Legendary underground filmmaker Nick Zedd and creative complex Brooklyn Fire Proof are proud to announce the release of two new short films, “The Death of Muffinhead” and “Attack of the Particle Disruptors,” produced by Brooklyn Fire Proof Films and shot in Brooklyn Fire Proof’s Bushwick soundstages. Both films were directed by Nick Zedd, produced by Kenneth Filmer, and feature effects and animation by Nouri Zander. Brooklyn Fire Proof ’s founder Thomas Burr Dodd served as executive producer.
Both will screen Thursday, June 8 in the Film As Art block at the 7th Annual Art Brooklyn Film Festival. The Death of Muffinhead Experimental, 4:31, Directed by Nick Zedd Film Festival Premiere The legendary underground filmmaker Nick Zedd returns with this fantastic account of the titular death of performance artist and costume designer Muffinhead. Attack of the Particle Disruptors Experimental, 7:18, Directed by Nick Zedd Film Festival Premiere The paintings of Nick Zedd come to life, and they have some disturbing things to say in this animated short. Get the latest news from The Art of Brooklyn and Brooklyn On Demand!
June 2024